Hello, my name is Erin, and I’m addicted to caffeine (in particular, coffee). I started drinking tea when I was 8 — my mom is very Irish, so a cup every day was normal — and by the time I got into middle school, I’d have coffee every morning. There was a time when getting your daily dose of caffeine meant a simple cup of coffee or tea. Poured into a ceramic mug, the steaming liquid tended to be enough to give most people that extra burst of energy to get out the door. Back then, you'd have to When people think coffee, they think caffeine, so caffeine is often thrown up as a possible reason. But people don’t usually have the same response to other things that contain caffeine – like energy drinks, tea or cola. Also, researchers have noted But in general, coffee is should be your second choice to napping. Studies have also shown that caffeine can improve physical performance in cyclists and improve overall physical endurance in athletes. Coffee naps, or caffeine naps, are your best bet Caffeine is in coffee, tea and other products people consume every day, so why is powdered caffeine dangerous? On Tuesday (Sept. 1), the Food and Drug Administration announced that it had issued warning letters to five companies that sell powdered caffeine The reality: Drinking a normal amount of coffee — or other caffeinated beverages such as tea or diet soft drinks — does not affect hydration status. While caffeine in its isolated form does have a diuretic effect, the fluid in these beverages serves to .
The study, from the University of Bari in Italy, actually says, "Coffee, tea, or caffeine consumption may be protective against cognitive impairment and dementia." And "moderate amounts — or one to two cups per day — appear to have greater [cognitive Many people simply don't feel human without that cup of coffee in the morning revealed traces of caffeine. The shards show evidence of cacao-based chocolate drinks and something called “black drink,” a holly-derived, tea-like beverage. We don't let the boys drink tea or coffee yet." He then added: "As a doctor, I strongly suggest you moderate the caffeine consumption of your kids, if not eliminate it from their daily diets completely. Read labels like a hawk (and if "caffeine" is on the Cutting back on caffeine you cut out coffee entirely just cut back! If you're a simple one-coffee-a-day type, you're okay but if you find yourself to be consuming multiple cups a day, you might seriously want to swap them out for tea or a big .
Gallery of caffeine in tea vs coffee:

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